I take pictures all the live long day. Seriously I have about 700 on my camera waiting to be downloaded and that is just from January. At the end of the month I download off the camera and put them into the new folder waiting to house my memories.
Problem is I blog more than that BUT the pictures that correlate with the story are still on my camera. See the problem? The dilemma?
The solution you say is to download the pictures more often, even just doing it weekly might help me??? Really??
Not so sure I agree. Then I would have 4-5 mini folders within the main folder and I don't like that.
You think I am a complainer? hmmm... we'll see about that. humph!
What I should be complaining about is that our water heater went out. Well actually just the thermal coupling. Cameron tried to replace it last night and the one he replaced it with was broken. A very select group of people know our situation with our WH. The pilot NEVER stays lit. It is a perfectly good WH and actually only 5 years old but we are CHEAP and since it works we haven't ever replaced it. When you need hot water you just go light the pilot. Not a hard thing since it is in the hallway and all. Well over time it wasn't staying lit even for a little while so you would have to relight it several times throughout the day.
Yesterday was the day that after the 20th time to light the stupid thing I complained to Cameron. I had kept my frustrations to myself because as much as I wanted him to say, "Yes, my love, I know what a burden this WH situation puts on your life. I will go replace it RIGHT NOW." He didn't. His response was to hit the tank and say a few choice words and then stare at it a while. Novel idea.
But it is getting a new thermal coupling and maybe, just maybe, I can go back to lighting the darn thing just 1-2 times a day.
( I am fully aware how weird this situation is now after I have written it out. I am fully aware that we are cheap. I am fully aware that our new house will not have this problem. I am fully aware I haven't mentioned a new house before, therefore I am leaving you with a cliff hanger!)
In the mean time I gave the kids individual baths in the kitchen sink. Not all of them fit. In fact just Reece and Mason did. I heated water on the stove and they have nice hot bathes. I had to convince 2 of my darlings that this wasn't weird and that other people often did this as well. Right, RIGHT?? Point being, yes we could have loaded up and gone to any of our friend's and family's houses and I might have even taken a bath in a adult size tub for once. BUT this was way more fun and not a hint of trouble. Note the sarcasm.