I am so full of love and thankfulness this year. I have much to be writing about but I will keep it short. There is mashed potatoes to be made after all.
I am thankful for abundance. That we are overflowing with love, blessings and gifts from our Lord. We are so abundantly blessed that at times I have to stop and realize just how much we have it going on around here.
(Hey 3-year-old, hold your ring pop still so that my focus doesn't fall on your hand!)
Scheesh who said working with kids was a piece of cake?
Hey sassy-pants, don't talk to your mother that way,
unless it is to tell me all the ways you love me...then talk away!
Dude, we have got to have boundaries at other people's houses. I am sure Lily isn't impressed that you were playing with her potty. (Oh wait was it clean, empty, wiped out??)
I am thankful for all of these beauties. They make my life sweet. I was sitting in the floor with Cannon and Grace and thought, goodness this sure is quiet and fun just sitting here with an 8 and 5 year old. We can play a game, we can talk, we can actually get through show without pausing it a bazillion times.
Then along came Mason, there is NO OTHER PLACE HE WANTS TO BE BESIDES YOUR LAP, and we happily obliged in letting him join our circle of quietness. We were squirmy but doing better than expected.
Out of the blue (how long did I really thing #4 would stay away?) Reece came a crawling up. He has no clue about personal space. When he is around he commands the floor or the space or the couch or the chair or the...you get the idea.
All I can say was that it was BLISS.
We could have stopped at 2. Our boy and our girl. What society deems the perfect family. But gracious I am so thankful today that we didn't. Because being a mommy to these darlings is just about the most perfect thing in this world I could write about.
And I wouldn't want to be a mommy to these kids without their daddy. He is by far the best. I find such joy being his wife.
So yes, we are blessed, graciously blessed, abundantly blessed, over the top blessed with such wonderful blessings on this Thanksgiving Day.
May you be abundantly blessed as well my dear friends.
Happy Thanksgiving to you too :)