Thursday, February 4, 2010

Switching over

I have committed myself to (to a large group of people) blogging and although I question that commitment I must fulfill it just even a tiny bit so here is my GRAND RE-OPENING! :)

I last left off on my other blog with my grandmother passing away. That was mid December but before that it was a good 4 month hiatus from blogging. It was great and refreshing. Much needed in the whole scheme of things. I needed to step back and get realigned with my family. In doing so another Internet/social networking site crept into my life. I have been apart of Face book for a long while and have LOVED every minute of it until the recent months. I have seen it tear people down and turn into an ugly mess of late. Not something I want to be apart of. I needed to release that strong hold and regroup so to speak. Face Book was so fun to reconnect with a great group of people from my past. I have "seen" many people on there that I wouldn't have ever reconnected with otherwise. I am still in Face book mode as to thinking of two liners that will be witty and captivating enough for people to respond to. I might still revert back to that every once in a while. Because really does a whole blog post need to be dedicated to Gracelyn getting confused in thinking they were going to be giving REAL tattoos as a fundraiser at school? No just the quick reference that temporary tattoos were on the agenda and not the real deal.

One thing I will do is share pictures of my precious kids. So be checking back frequently to see these darlings who occupy my time.


  1. Very cute! So nice to get a "fresh" start! Love you and your family Keri.

  2. love your new blog :) can't wait to see pics ;)

  3. Keri,
    Thank you for being so honest about Facebook. A couple of weeks ago I told David that I was thinking about getting rid of my account on Facebook because I was tired of all the "crap" on there. I'm glad I'm not alone in how I feel! Welcome back to blogging! I love it so much (if you couldn't tell by my almost-daily posts!).

  4. Love the new layout, and looking forward to seeing pics of those cutey-pie kids. :)
